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Excel/Xls to Pdf Converter is perfect for anyone .It is a convenient and easy converting documents to pdf tool, which can convert different document formats to pdf in batches once with the fast way. It can convert xls, xlsx, xlsm, txt, htm, html to pdf format. After converting, the content of the file can retain the original layout. No other software like it has the combining function.

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Free PDF to Excel Converter is a free and easy-to-use PDF converter software to batch convert PDF document to Excel files. Just add PDF files to the list, select output format and directory, and click "Convert Now!" button to start converting.
Free PDF to Excel Converter can convert to Excel document from encrypted PDF document.

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— I am using Weeny Free PDF to Excel Converter and need to know...
The developer says that his program supports command line, but in fact, it doesn't. I have installed the application and tried all the executable files available, but none provided... Read more