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Download torrent files to your PC, configure each item's priority and allotted bandwidth, see the health of each torrent, and even preview video files directly in the tool's interface. Ad-supported.
Torrent Monster allows you to download music, movies, applications, documents, etc. from Gnutella file network. It comes with features such as multisource...
Download torrents files from various sources, see the current speed and the approximated remaining time, pause and resume the process whenever needed, set the priority for each file and allocate the desired bandwidth. The tool also includes the ability to play the media files downloaded with its help.
Convert the standard Android APK files into the BAR format compatible with multiple models of BlackBerry devices and access the full software functionality to manage and modify Android programs via Java Runtime Environment. The program supports BlackBerry Z10, Q10, Q5 or BlackBerry PlayBook.
Give yourself specific vehicles, change your character's data, access the cheats menu or modify other various in-game aspects. Create custom keyboard shortcuts to instantly enable or disable your changes.