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Takes into account the exact date, time and location in which you were born and generates Natal Charts, Instant Prashna Charts, planet Ascendant Charts and Horary charts.
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SalsaJ allows students to display, analyse, and explore real astronomical images.
lead to true excitement
Calculates the astronomical position of the sun to display hours.
on the true astronomical position
AstroLoka Basic: a program for calculating Horoscopes with basic features.
for the true positions. ยท Vedic
Astra S-Nesting is intended for optimizing true shape nesting.
for optimizing true shape nesting...perform automatic true shape nesting
Astrology for Windows is a program that calculates charts and aspect tables.
the moon's true nodes. Astrology
Moon 3D Space Tour Screensaver will bring our satellite to your desktop.
screensaver features true photo-realistic
Earth 3D Space Tour Screensaver will take you on a journey through space.
screensaver features true photo-realistic
It brings you 12 amazing signs of the zodiac pictured in original way.
Zodiac drawings (true color, 800x600