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Targets freelancers to translate their software with the CAT tool. Handles formats like HTML/ASP/JSP, SGML/XML and XSL .
Simplify and speed up translations of large amounts of text and graphics data in the suite based on translation memory technology. It processed previously translated data and automates completion of new projects by automatically adjusting texts and providing options.
SDLTmConvert is a SDL Trados Studio translation memory (*.sdltm) reader and converts it to XLIFF for QA and editing in Studio or any other CAT tool. It converts it to XML for using in spread sheets or databases, TMX for using with other tools and CSV or TXT for easy searches and use with text editors.
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SDLXliff2Tmx allows you to export your SDLXLIFF files to a TMX or Text file.
of SDL Trados Studio Bilingual...formatting information (tags)
Alchemy CATALYST is a visual localization environment.
protection of tags...for example Trados Suite components