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Transliterates English text into Telugu script. The converted texts can be copy-pasted into Windows programs, web applications or emailed.
Enter text in Indic languages with the on-screen keyboard. Supports over 15 languages and is compatible with most apps and games.
Write texts in a wide variety of language and use characters from numerous dialects such as Bengali, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, etc.
Work with documents in Assamese, Bengali, Sanskrit, Tamil or Urdu languages by accessing them via the direct input utility compatible with popular desktop and web applications such as Microsoft Office products, OpenOffice, Gmail, Google Talk, AIM and Yahoo! Messenger.
Computer assisted motion or motility analysis helps to investigate the behaviour of single individuals. But it can also record distributions of velocity and motion direction for whole populations.
From the variety of investigation objects, several are :
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- Lipid globules of Phycomyces
- Negative gravitaxis of Euglena gracilis
Additional suggestions for Telugu lipi download by our robot:
No exact matches found for "telugu lipi...". Results for similar searches are shown below.
Type and prepare documents in various Indian languages.
Shree-Lipi...requirement. Shree-Lipi can
An open-source toolkit for online Handwriting Recognition (HWR).
Lipi Toolkit (LipiTk)...handwriting recognition, Lipi Designer, a GUI
Track your diets in detail with this free and powerful application.
The ASN.1 Editor is a sample project that uses the Asn1Processor library.
Sodhak Offline is a Punjabi typing, font converter and spell checker.
), Phonetic (Anmol Lipi) and InScript