Users interested in Swf to jar converter generally download:
Converts Flash animations in the SWF format into EXE files, GIF animations, image series in the BMP and JPEG formats or AVI videos. Doesn't require you to install Adobe Flash on your...
SWF Convert is a program that can convert many types of files to .SWF. You can create .swf files from image or audio files. The resulting files can be easily read by any web browser, even in different platforms. It is possible to set the movie size (width and height), the size of the images into that movies, as well as its position and background to be used.
Aleo SWF GIF Converter is a fast and easy way to convert Flash SWF to animated GIF and animated GIF to Flash SWF.
SWF to GIF Converter
Convert Flash SWF to animated GIF.
Convert to JPEG, PNG and GIF image series.
Set loop times of GIF.
Two kinds of conversion modes: Real time playing and Frame by frame.
TUGZip is a very strong freeware utility for archiving with Windows, which provides support for a large range of encoded, compressed, and disc-images files. It also includes very powerful features in a very easy-to-use application interface and Windows Explorer integration.
A powerful All-In-One file viewer that has Windows Explorer similar interface.
Additional suggestions for Swf to jar converter by our robot:
Extracts pictures and textures from a wide range of image files.
files and convert...+InstallShield Cabinets, JAR, CHM)
Filetypedetect helps you to determine file type with magic test.
classical "java -jar filename" command