Users interested in Spatial cadastre 2.5 generally download:
GisLandManager is a complete software package for the creation, management and maintenance of spatial data.
It contains tools for raster georeferencing, data modelling, vectorization, topological and GIS processing and the system for updating of temporal data over spatial data.
Additional suggestions for Spatial cadastre 2.5 by our robot:
Bentley Map is a fully featured GIS that is 3D by nature.
native Oracle Spatial...types of spatial data Utilize...the entire cadastral fabric Publish
InfoMate is a survey computation, data capture and translation environment.
capture of spatial...topologically sound, spatially referenced
CAD&PILLAR it’s a technical software devised for topographic survey.
for Terrain Cadastre - tacheometric
Is an interactive map navigation system running on desktop PC.
Cartography and Cadastre Bureau (DSCC
It enables the user to access all laws, orders and decisions of government.
town planning - cadastre