Users interested in Scanfont 5 download generally download:
If you use FontLab Studio 5, TypeTool 3 or new AsiaFont Studio 5 font editing programs, you can use the FontLab ScanFont plug-in for these programs that will enable you to turn your graphics into fonts. In six easy steps, ScanFont will enable you to create your own unique fonts from your handwriting, logos, old lettering, bitmap images or outline illustrations.
Transforms graphical resources into fully working font files available for installation in Windows or in various apps. The UI simplifies the font creation based on the available tools. There is the possibility to add shapes as extra items when creating the fonts.
Additional suggestions for Scanfont 5 download by our robot:
Showing results for "scanfont 5" as the word download is considered too common
You can create fonts, modify existing fonts and open installed fonts.
used with ScanFont for converting