Users interested in Rpt to .xls converter generally download:
Convert multiple video and document-based files from one format to another one. It supports encrypted PDFs, whole folder conversion, resize feature for images, and Adobe Flash formats. Output folder can be customized as well.
OpenExpert will help you create associations between a file type and more than one application. This will allow you to decide what application you want to open a file, instead of using the default program. However, some Windows 7 users might feel it is not necessary to use OpenExpert because this operating system comes with an improved, much friendlier Open With function.
Turn data sources into interactive information and export the created reports in a wide variety of formats including ones compatible with Microsoft Excel or XML servers.
Creates PDF files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other MS office documents, plain text, and images, including AutoCad DWG files. Combines multiple files of different formats into a single PDF. Can be set to automatically open the created PDF, copy it, send to a printer, or upload to a remote directory, as well as reduce its size, add a page header, and set an open password.
Open, view and interact with report files generated by Crystal Reports. Create customized views and save them locally or share them with coworkers.
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It creates PDF files from different file types including TXT, DOC, XLS, PPT etc.
Schedule single or batches of Crystal Reports. Multiple formats & destinations.
pdf, rpt, csv, html, xls, doc...RTF, Acrobat, RPT, text
Personal Finance Manager helps you calculate your income and expenses.
XLS, RTF, DOC, or RPT (Crystal
The program can be used to view crystal report files (RPT).
report files (RPT). When paired...XLSX and XLS (Excel), PDF