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Mp3 To Ringtone Pro is a great tool for all type of mobile users, many users want to convert their Mp3 songs and clippings to their Ringtone however not every software supports Mp3 as a ring tone,...

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Converts to and from MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA, VOX, MP2 and other video formats. Select the output file's audio quality (between 32 to 160 Kbits), the sample rate (from 16000 to 48000 Hz) and choose between mono or stereo.

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— I have a .flac file and I want to convert it to audio .cda file. Creating it in Audio mode will work?
A CDA file is created when you add your audio files to an Audio CD. Once the procedure is finished, you can copy those CDA files, but they will not work unless the physical CD/DVD... Read more