Users interested in Rootsmagic to go generally download:
RootsMagic is a genealogy software package that makes it easy to research, organize, and share your family history. This program lets you add an unlimited number of facts for every person (i.e. birth, death, marriage, occupation, religion, description, etc).
Personal Historian is the ground-breaking computer software which helps you write the story of your life and of other individuals. The program features: easy file management, support for international character sets through Unicode integration, integrated backup and restore, and more.
Additional suggestions for Rootsmagic to go by our robot:
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Genealogy software with extensive reports and features.
RootsMagic...award-winning RootsMagic
GENViewer is a program that allows you to read and analyze genealogy files.
4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x, Legacy 3-7, RootsMagic...TMG, Legacy, RootsMagic
GENMatcher quickly compares two genealogy files for matches.
3-5, TMG, Legacy 3-7, RootsMagic
It allows you to read and analyze genealogy files.
3, 4, 5 and 6, TMG 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, RootsMagic