Roland xp 30 midi editor social advice

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Installs as an add-on to MorphVox to provide additional fun voices. There are seven new voices: Body Noises, Xylophone, Burpalator, Phone Talk, Random Body Noises, Random Censor and Computer Talk.

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ToneBank 1.1

Manage sound banks by dragging and dropping sounds from one bank into another, editing sounds, and performing real-time parameter adjustments. Works with Roland XP-30/50/60/80 workstations and Roland JV-1010/1080/2080 sound modules.

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— How can I save tones of keyboard's patch and performance on PC? And how can I save tones from smart memory card to PC? Will this software do that? How can I buy it? What is the process?
The software was used to bank and manage tones on the Roland XP-30/50/60/80 series of the known music workstations. Unfortunately, you can't buy or use it anymore since the official website has been discontinued. I have tried downloading the software another place, but there isn't one available.