Users interested in Question bank hindi app generally download:
Input method Editor (IME) gives a very convenient way of entering text in Hindi using the English QWERTY keyboard in any Office XP application , wordpad and notepad on Windows 2000/ Windows XP application, and have the text on the fly get converted to...
It converts single or multiple English sentences into the Hindi language. You can load text from a TXT file. It uses Google's API Translate as a background translation service.
History Quiz is an interesting game that allows players to test their knowledge of history learning something new at the same time. The game is very easy to play, although the...
Provides an interactive interface where users test their knowledge with questions from all domains. Rewards players with a prize if the number of correct answers is high.
Automatically transliterates English words into Hindi characters. Supports Hindi and Devangri fonts. Works with other popular applications like Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.
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Lehka Hindi Voice is a high quality SAPI5 voice that supports speed.
Lehka Hindi Voice...The Hindi voice...only. For questions regarding commercial
LILA HINDI PRABODH allows you to learn Hindi language using lessons.
LILA HINDI learn Hindi language using...and interactive questions
OCR view text and barcodes in images.
Here is the perfect solution to your astrological requirements in Indian way.
English, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada...? - These questions...and Hindi
A professional tool for preparing your MS-CIT exam.
features: - Marathi, Hindi and English...Mode. Objective question containing Images
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is, without question ...Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic, Turkish