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Automatically detects plagiarism against a database and displays its usage in percents. Doesn't need the Internet to work with and it's compatible with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint programs.
Compares the text in your documents to what's written in a wide variety of other sources and discovers similarities. The tool includes over 10 billion resources and indicates exactly which areas of your text seem to be plagiarized as well as the document that they're similar...
Find out if a document is truly original or if it has been plagiarized by comparing it against other texts available on the Internet. The tool scans a huge array of online sources as well as your own document library, then shows whether the document you're checking is similar to others or not.
Copytracker is a software designed to find plagiarism in text documents. Easy to use, without installation, and anonymous: no login is required to use...
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Plagiarism detector for students, teachers and bloggers.
a website owner; Plagiarism Checker X can...content for plagiarism – Online Plagiarism
Plagiarism-Detector is a personal software tool designed to effectively detect, report and in this w...
processing! 3. Plagiarism-Detector has superb...technologies. 2. Plagiarism-Detector
Analyzes academic papers and documents in search of suspected plagiarism.
Plagius - Plagiarism a desktop plagiarism checker