Nvidia physx system software 64bit social advice

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We are living with physics games at the moment and for the industry it is not an easy task. The environment is based on a unique set of physics algorithms which require amounts of simultaneous mathematical and logical calculations to make a simple game display.
This is where NVIDIA PhysX Technology comes...

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— Is this available on a ASUS A450C laptop using VGA as Intel HD Manager and Intel Core i3?
No, NVIDIA PhysX is not available for Intel, AMD or any other company which manufactures graphic cards except nVidia. This is an exclusive technology for most of the Nvidia products. You will need a Nvidia graphics card to benefit from this technology which is mostly used on new games.

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The latest provocative package of particle awesomeness from The Wizard of OrbaZ.

Particle...PhysX™ simulation engine...and without PhysX-enabled 

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