Noteworthy composer 1.75c social advice

Users interested in Noteworthy composer 1.75c generally download:

Create, record, edit, print and play your own musical scores while taking control of the music notation. Easily adapt parts of the music notation to another section or use a different key to the native one for your loaded instruments. Supports loading KAR, NWC, and MIDI files as well.

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— I purchased NWC 2.0 in 2009 and no have a new computer (a few since then, actually). Can I use my Authenticity ID# to download and activate a newer version. I see that 2...
Yes, you should be able to use your Authenticity ID# to download and activate a newer version of NoteWorthy Composer. However, since version 2.0 is no longer available, you may need to contact the software provider or visit their website to inquire about obtaining a newer version of the program.

Enhance production, editing, and quality of musical compositions by generating and managing NoteWorthy Composer projects. View the content of a project file such as notes and lyrics, play them with the compatible tools, print out documents, generate MIDI tracks, etc.

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