Users interested in Network scangear v2.21 free download generally download:
Installs the drivers and shares a Canon IR series scanners on the local area network to enable remote scanning support. Customizes the scanner and its features while limiting the available procedures for each of the connected PC. Supports changing the color mode, resolution, size, original placement, orientation, and density.
This program selects a network scanner to be used by the Network ScanGear Driver. Because no scanner is selected upon installing Network ScanGear, run the ScanGear Tool to select a scanner before use.
The scanner driver provides the ability to scan originals on a network scanner. It is accessed from TWAIN-compliant application programs, and scanned images are returned to such applications.
Process documents using a network-connected scanner device. Check specific parameters and optimize a connection, access the utility via WIA 1.0, WIA 2.0 or similar TWAIN-compliant circuits. Create a scanned image according to specified parameters and save it in a third-party program.