Users interested in Net framework 3.1 for windows xp sp2 generally download:
Create Windows-integrated web, server, database or standalone applications using a consistent programming model. Run programs written using .NET on your...
It provides updates for the issues found in the .NET Framework 2.0. that creates mobile, desktop, and web applications running on PCs. Performance improvements, and prerequisite feature support for the version 3.5 SP 1 are also included.
Bundles together the .NET Compact Framework class library and the common language required to run .NET Compact Framework applications created with Visual Studio. NET 2003.
Update for Microsoft .NET Framework (KB2750147) is a program that allows you to address compatibility, stability, reliability and performance issues in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. It is designed to work with Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2.
The D&D Adventure Tools begins with the D&D Monster Builder with other modules to be added later. Want to build custom monsters, redesign existing monsters, or some combination of both? You need the D&D Monster Builder. Level up your game and become an Insider today! The D&D Monster Builder lets you browse over 2,500 official D&D monsters and paste them into your documents.
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Showing results for "net framework 3.1 sp2" as the words for windows xp are considered too common
MediaPortal transforms your PC into a multimedia workstation.
* DirectX 9.0c *. NET Framework 2.0 *...) * Windows XP SP2 / Windows MCE
It allows you to view and convert files in the PSD, AI or EPS formats.
NET Framework 3.5 (included in Windows XP SP2
Zaitun Time Series - Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Software.
Windows XP (SP2...or later) - .NET Framework 2.0
Helps to download the latest and greatest files off a website.
Windows XP SP2+, - NET Framework 3.5, IE 7.0+, - JavaScript
Program for use in metadata production that conforms to the MPF specifications.
Windows XP (SP2) -Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 -Microsoft
TMPGEnc KARMA is great software to manage and organize all your videos.
Windows XP SP2 / Vista SP1...higher, but .NET Framework 3.0 SP1