Microsoft indic language input tool oriya for windows 8.1 pro social advice

Users interested in Microsoft indic language input tool oriya for windows 8.1 pro generally download:

Type Oriya texts using the standard English QWERTY keyboard with word processors and other types of editing programs including Office tools, Wordpad and Notepad by incorporating the solution with multiple layouts for different styles of input. Quick switching is possible.

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Type in Oriya no matter which Windows application you're using or which website you're visiting. Use the provided virtual keyboard to edit the words that don't transliterate as they should.

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— How to input halant and prevent conjunction?
To input a halant and prevent conjunction in the Microsoft Indic Language Input Tool for Oriya, you can try using the "Virama" key on your keyboard, usually located before the space key. The virama key allows you to input a halant to form conjunct characters.