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Octave Forge is a high-level programming language that was built to suffice the need of executing numerical computations and develop mechanics and bioinformatics programs more efficiently in a suitable environment for math enthusiasts. Also, it has numerous useful features that together make developers work much faster.
CAVASS is the acronym for Computer Aided Visualization and Analysis Software System. It is a major modification of 3DVIEWNIX, a portable, platform independent software system. It has stereoscopic interface, an easy interface to other systems such as ITK, Matlab, CAD/CAM, and statistical packages.
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Showing results for "matlab portable" as the words windows 7 are considered too common
OpenBayes is a library that allows users to easily create a bayesian network.
available for MatLAB execution, portability
Convert multiple graphic files at the click of a button.
(cur) Portable Network Graphics...pix) Portable Pixmap, GrayMap...(*.hdf), Matlab (*.mat)
MP3 Music Sorter, MP3 Organizer,MP3 Renamer - it's Powerful and Easy.
(w64),Matlab (mat), Portable Voice
ROBOTRAN uses recursive algorithms based on a 'tree-like representation.
based on Matlab/Simulink...simulation) and portable (easy interface
Enables execution of compiled MATLAP applications or components.
MATLAB installed. When used together, MATLAB
Here we have the best Math program, a language for technical computing.
Math program. MATLAB R2008a 7.6...are provided. Matlab mainly focuses
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a simulation package for engineering applications.
MATLAB (Matrix
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a mathematical and scientific computational tool.
MATLAB (Matrix
MATLAB Component Runtime - a neat little library package useful for the execution of M-files.
for the MATLAB language ...threadsafe for MATLAB Compiler...objects. MATLAB Component
It is a MATLAB add-in that is easy-to-use and intuitive.
MATLAB neural network toolbox...intelligence inside MATLAB
MATLAB Production Server lets you run MATLAB programs.
run MATLAB programs...applications request MATLAB analytics...running on MATLAB Production