Users interested in Live weather wallpaper windows generally download:
A desktop widget that always sits on top of any window showing you the current weather conditions in your area as well as a forecast for the upcoming 5 days.
Weather Desktop Features:
- Weather conditions for cities around the world, on your desktop wallpaper and screen saver and a beautiful map of earth. screenshot
- Weather forecasts for up to seven days for US cities. screenshot
- Time zones for cities around the...
Webcam Screen Saver brings the world to your desktop.
It will give you many different webcams in many countries, or you can add your own choices....
Smart wallpaper changer, which can do the magic with your background image via customizable templates (interactive calendar, picture mixer, memo pad, weather forecast and more). Desktop can be enlivened with clocks. Designed for big...
Live view of Earth from the space right on your desktop.
You can decorate your desktop easily with this little software.
-Weather info on the map
-Real time clouds
-Day and night (city lights in night areas)
-Time Zones. Never call your international offices at the wrong time...
Additional suggestions for Live weather wallpaper windows by our robot: