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With the LINDO API, you can easily create your own optimization applications. It allows you to plug the power of the LINDO solver right into customized applications that you have written. Is a comprehensive tool designed to help you build and solve linear, nonlinear, and integer optimization models.
Optimizes the custom applications that you've written using Lindo solvers. Includes linear, integer, nonlinear, quadratic, quadratically constrained, second-order cone, and stochastic optimizations.
Makes the solving of stochastic, linear, nonlinear, quadratic, etc. integer optimization models quicker and more effective. It embeds in-built solvers, an environment for building and editing problems as well as a language for optimization models.
LinDOS is a TOS (Transparent Operating System) that mimics the look and feel of Microsoft® Windows and DOS. The goal is to be able to drop a Windows user in front of a LinDOS loaded Linux system and allow them to be able to use it with minimal or no confusion.
The software allows the setup, download, inspection, analysis, and export of measurement data and illustrations for reports. It also supports real-time monitoring of up to 255 SediMeters on a single cable. The data analysis window seen below has many options for displaying data. Graphs ready for use in presentations can be prepared in...
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