Users interested in Leica geo office 8.2 download generally download:
Combines the data from all the instruments to effectively manage your project. It supports COGO calculations, GNSS data processing, level processing, TPS processing, volume calculations, combined network adjustments and more.
Work with geospatial technologies by processing relevant images via the remote sensing and image analysis program. It has multiple features for generating and customizing robust data analysis, including Python scripting, export to OGC WPS and batch processing commands.
Work with construction projects of different types by storing and editing the data in multiple formats as well as customizing designs for roads, complex road string lines, cross-sections or layer-based models, digital terrain models and background maps.
Transfers data from the Flex devices to the PC and manages the gathered information. Configures the device according to your requirements.
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Design to Field allows many different data types to be imported.
within the Leica Geo Office (LGO) application
This PC application allows a geoid model to be read from an ASCII file.
SkiPro or Leica Geo Office
Easy to use and features the fast conversion of geodetic data formats.
Geo-Data Converter...Excel (CSV) Leica GSI-8
Downloader Pro enables you to download, organize, and rename images.
Sony , Kodak, Leica, Sigma...Sony , Kodak, Leica, Sigma...GPS geo-tagging support