Users interested in Kml to excel converter download generally download:
Turns file saved in the KML format into formatted CSV and vice-versa. Useful for transferring points of interest from Google Earth to Garmin GPS devices.
View the content of GPS maps and modify the tracklogs. The suite views selected maps with an option to zoom in and out of a chosen area, replace the background images in BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF, SVG, or KMZ and ut, copy, or paste waypoints to generate routes.
ESRI shapefiles are a very common mapping or GIS dat exchange format. Google Earth uses an exchange format called KML, which is a variant of XML. GSpatial Toolbar is a program that can convert ESRI shapefiles to KML and automatically cause these to be loaded into Google Earth.
Most ESRI shapefiles are accompanied by an attribute table, a DBase format database table, that contain data about the geographical features. For example, a shapefile of the world's countries might be accompanied by a DBase file containing their names and their populations.
gSpatial Toolbar is also capable of different rendering types, in addition to simply drawing the geographical features from your shapefiles in Google Earth, such as doing a thematic query (i.e. coloring in your geographical data according to values within the accompanying database).
You can not only use the data in the accompanying DBase tables, but also link your own database or spreadsheet data that for example reside in an Excel spreadsheet to the DBase data contained in the shapefile.
Calculate distances of paths in Google Earth, utilizing KML Files or copied data from the clipboard. The program employs the haversine formula to estimate distances between points on a spherical object. Although the measurements are approximate, preliminary tests indicate they closely align with Google Earth's built-in measuring tool. Additionally, work with multiple paths within files or clipboard content and automatically update the path's description with the computed distance, allowing for easy importation.
MB-GPS2KML is a great tool that converts a GPS log file (in plain NMEA format) to a KML file (placemark file for Google Earth) and opens this file in Google Earth.
Velocity, number of satellites and HDOP are interpreted as height, color and size of the icons.
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Download data from the GL-101 device and save it as an Excel spread sheet.
as an Excel spread...Earth file (.kml) a standstill. A Excel Spreadsheet