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Use the Connection page to choose a Network or Dial-In connection type for the application set. Select Local Area Network to connect to the MetaFrame server over your local network. Select Wide Area Network to connect to the MetaFrame server from a remote location.
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Showing results for "ica citrix" as the word download is considered too common
Fast and secure login to Citrix server with USB flash drive, smart card or token.
login to Citrix...offered by Citrix. Secure...Logon for Citrix ICA Client can
Citrix portion of the package allows the selection of the desired Citrix client.
the desired Citrix client(i.e...a previous Citrix client...the three Citrix clients
It is an application that allows you to view all of your remote connections.
Network Computing), ICA (Citrix Independent Computing
A program for redirecting locally plugged webcams to remote desktop session.
RDP or Citrix ICA. Webcam
Printer for Remote Desktop is an easy-to-use solution for remote printing.
RDP or Citrix ICA. Printer
SmartCode VNC Manager is a powerful yet easy to use remote administration.
VNC, RDP, Citrix ICA, Microsoft Hyper
SmartCode VNC Manager is a remote administration and monitoring tool.
Desktop Services, Citrix ICA, Microsoft Hyper
Redicrects locally plugged USB devices to you remote desktop session.
PCoIP or Citrix ICA
The program redirects a webcam which is physically available.
RDP and Citrix ICA the program
Allows people to access any app, from any device, through a single URL.
or cloud, ICA proxy
The program has been designed to organize working places in offices.
7. Setting of ICA clients...access to Citrix XenApp
It enables the machines to register with controllers and manages the connections.
from an ICA