Users interested in How to convert ppsx to exe generally download:
PowerPoint Slide Show Converter is a program for converting PowerPoint presentations into executable files. In a nutshell, by using this application you will obtain an .exe file that can be played on any computer running Windows 2000 (SP4+), XP, Vista, and 7, even without Microsoft PowerPoint installed.
Additional suggestions for How to convert ppsx to exe by our robot:
Convert PowerPoint files to exe file that can be used to preview presentations.
Convert presentations (.ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx)...Use the exe
PPTX to EXE is application that will help you convert PowerPoint files to EXE.
to EXE Converter...PPTX ot PPSX presentation EXE Converter. PPTX to EXE Converter
Use the exe file as a self-running tutorial for your products or services.
convert presentations (.ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx...formats, including EXE, GIF, PNG