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Forecasts the future tendencies based on the birth date and other information. Test the data of your beloved data as well.
Horoscope Explorer makes your Kundali (Birthchart) in detail along with a big set of charts and detailed predictions. If you are a practicing astrology you will appreciate the comprehensive of the charts and if you are an astrology enthusiast like the rest of us, you will enjoy the detailed analysis which gives you a deep insight into the various astrological compbinations present in your chart.
Uses a version of Vedic Astrology to analyze your birth chart, make predictions about the year you're going to have advised you on how to make it better.
Daily Astrologer Explorer presents an excellent option featuring detailed analysis of every moment. It comprises of comprehensive charts, and vital predictions, under various Kundali styles right from south Indian, north Indian, down to east Indian styles, and analyses auspicious and inauspicious timings for various occasions for an individual user.
Displays the astrology guide that can be used by beginners while taking advantage of the classical Parashara Indian system. In includes elements of the Systems Approach to Indian Astrology.
Additional suggestions for Horoscope explorer by our robot:
AstrologyExplorer 3D creates an astrological chart and displays its 3D image.
the Chart Explorer. Users can...Its Chart Explorer
It's an interactive sky map that helps you to find your way in the night sky.
and start exploring...can start exploring the skies
Calculate horoscopes, draw a chart and provide an interpretation of the chart.
will calculate view horoscopes...Sun. Explore interplanetary
Create horoscopes and predictions based on the Vedic astrology system.
generates a complete horoscope...include a personalized horoscope
Kundali 2012 is an astrological application with horoscope prediction.
application with horoscope prediction...Varshphal etc. Horoscope means taking
It is an astrology program offering horoscopes, match making and numerology.
of signs, horoscope, zodiac sign...options: 1) Annual horoscope, 2) Numerology, 3) Match
Mayan Horoscope is a freeware that can tell you about your personality.
of “Mayan Horoscope”...a Mayan Horoscope with Mayan Horoscope”
Here is the perfect solution to your astrological requirements in Indian way.
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Enter your birth date and receive your Daily Horoscope Screensaver!
your Daily Horoscope Screensaver! Change...s and tomorrow's horoscope. Surely, a screensaver
This is an unique match making software based on Western and Vedic Astrology.
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determines Indonesian horoscope.
your Indonesian horoscope...determine their horoscopes and zodiacs
This astrology program is based on the Hindu system of Indian Vedic astrology.
to generate horoscopes
Horoscopes for 2016 for all signs of the zodiac, based on astrological situation.
the Oriental horoscope, 2016...the Oriental horoscope, 2016...the Oriental horoscope, 2016
HoroscopeMini is a reliable program designed to fetch daily zodiac predictions.
upon his horoscope sign