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D3DGear is a fast video game recording software for Windows users. It can easily record video games in HD without slowing the game down. The game recording function supports microphone recording, Push-To-Talk recording, and face camera overlay recording.
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SubtitleFix is a freeware subtitle editing utility for MicroDVD subtitle files.
modes : "Error Fixer", "FPS Changer"
It allows you to repair damaged media files in all the most popular formats.
All Video Fixer is a professional...All Video Fixer supports batch
All Media Fixer can be used to repair media files that cannot be played.
All Media Fixer...All Media Fixer needs single...All Media Fixer a better look
Solve the most common problems related to the Internet connection.
Connectivity Fixer PRO...suggests, Connectivity Fixer...Connectivity Fixer
Registry Fixer from Ss-Tools is a freeware utility to scan your registry.
Registry Fixer...With Registry Fixer you can...Registry Fixer. By Registry Fixer
Video Fixer 3.23 is a program to fix damaged video files so they can be played.
Video Fixer 3.23...installed Video Fixer 3.23 ...//
It scans your albums of your windows media library for any errors in album art.
Album Art Fixer...Album Art Fixer actually...Album Art Fixer...Art Fixer
Remove the artifacts & blotchy look, so your images seem saved at a 100% quality.
artifacts. Jpeg Fixer
Repair corrupted and damaged PDF files on Windows.
alerts. PDF, PDF Fixer analyzes...PCVARE PDF Fixer
Avi Divx Wmv Real Mp3 Media Fixer Pro can help you check and repair AVI, DivX.
Mp3 Media Fixer Pro can
The most comprehensive way to keep your PC running smooth and error free.
With 1 Click Fixer PLUS
Compact and simple, yet efficient tool to fix and recover hidden files.
life. Hidden Fixer won’t...give Hidden Fixer the importance...Besides, Hidden Fixer
Icetips Window Fixer makes sure that the window's X and Y positions are correct.
Icetips Window Fixer makes...Icetips Window Fixer works
Advanced File Fixer will help you solve file association problems.
Windows file fixer...Advanced File Fixer will help...called “registry fixers” or “system
It is a powerful computer error fixer and Windows registry cleaner.
Not Responding Fixer error fixer