Flukeview forms basic 3.6 social advice

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Extract or import data to and from a metering product. Connect to a personal computer and establish an environment for sharing information via two standard, non-customizable forms to display content. The remote client works with Fluke 280 series, 180 series, 789 and 1550B.

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— I have fluke1555 i want to connect the device with pc,no communication and the instruments active IS 1550B.How i can solve this topic.
To connect the Fluke 1555 with FlukeView Forms Basic program on your PC, you need to ensure that the communication settings are set correctly. Please make sure the device is properly... Read more

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It allows you to open any FlukeView Forms file and view or edit data.

FlukeView Forms Demo/...open any FlukeView...saved by a FlukeView Forms user 

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