Users interested in Exe icon changer 4.7 full generally download:
FolderIco offers a hassle-free, quick way to customize and organize folders on your computer. Tired of the standard yellow Windows folder icon? This is your solution. With just a single mouse click, FolderIco allows you to colorize your folders and decorate them with a range of attractive icons, making file classification more intuitive than ever before.
The tool can replace the icon in the executable file! Even the executable file compressed or the size of the icon is inconsistent, it can replace easily ! Change the icon of Dll, Ocx, Scr and so on. The icon of folder and driver can be changed too.
Additional suggestions for Exe icon changer 4.7 full by our robot:
Wallpaper Changer is a Windows wallpaper manager tool.
to full screen. Wallpaper Changer 1...your desktop icons's a plain .exe
Edit, change or extract icons easily with Easy Icon Maker.
Extract icon from DLL/ Icon changer, Icon Searcher, Icon Extractor and Icon
It allows you to patch the icon of any kind of Windows application.
QIcon Changer is QIcon Changer...application (EXE and SCR...the previous icon resource
This Software can be used to change title of any Window of an Application .
Window Title Changer Software. a setup.exe file and icons
Advanced multimedia viewer/manager.
videos, icons...changer, Multimedia Detective file finder, icon...DLL & EXE +