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E-Term32 5.00

E-Term32 is a fast, accurate and secure Telnet Terminal Emulation program for Windows workstations. Multiple configuration options make it an ideal choice for a variety of environments. E-Term32 can be installed individually on each client, on a server, or on a Windows or Citrix Terminal...

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— What is the port number of the Eterm32 on which it is working??
As you can see in the image attached, the default port the software is using is TELNET. By default, TELNET uses port 23 to connect to hosts. However, the software supports FTP (21) and SSH (22). You will have to open one of those ports in order to connect to.

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eTerm3 Free

eTerm is a free-to-use terminal emulator for Windows OS.

eTerm is a free 

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