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Bilingual Dictionaries English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish in SQL, Excel or Access - format for commercial or private use.
Find the concise definition of over 240,000 words and phrases from the English language and get notes about the words' correct usage and grammar.
Translates Excel files from English to Hindi vice-versa. Can be used for specific cells, rows, columns, or entire spreadsheets. Based on Google Translate.
Additional suggestions for English dictionary excel file by our robot:
Showing results for "english dictionary excel" as the word file is considered too common
ATLAS is a high quality machine translation software package.
to English and English...standard dictionary...Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
A useful dictionary for learning and translating to and from English-Indonseian.
and English translation excellent Indonesian-English program
Flexible and updated English-Armenian dictionary with TTS capabilities.
is an excellent and helpful...LingvoSoft Talking Dictionaries, this English-Armenian
TWAIN to Ms Word TIFF PDF SDK ActiveX.
fast, normal, excellent Recognition...and language dictionary (English, German, Fraktur
Comprehensive and flexible English-based translation tool for professionals.
into English. Convenience...excellent tool comes with lexicons, dictionaries...from English
Edit LaTeX documents, HTML pages, and other text files.
with dictionaries...there’s excellent accompanying documentation...Although English
Understand Chinese instantly by pointing your mouse at Chinese text.
(Word, Excel, Outlook)...translation into English. Also ...translation into English
FastDictionary 2007 is a dictionary that lets the user to translate words.
100% excellent...Current dictionaries are English-Portuguese-English, English-English
Corrects spelling mistakes automatically in any program.
auto-clipboard dictionary ...customize your dictionaries...This excellent typing
Build vocabulary wordbooks, all languages, record pronunciation, memory trainer.
wordlists from excel sheets ...Personalize your dictionaries and wordbooks
Replaces words, phrases and paragraphs with a single command or keystroke.
is an excellent...the current dictionaries or create
Wakan is a comprehensive learning tool for the Japanese and Chinese.
a character dictionary, a word dictionary ...list into Excel...for English-speaking
Business Translator is an online translation based on Internet resources.
Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German...Magic Dictionary is an excellent
Report generator for Developers. Outputs reports to screen, printer, pdf, html.
Bilingual English and French...Data dictionaries with inheritance...MS-Excel, MS-Word
Try this new variant of the game Mahjongg, with words instead of pictures.
has four dictionaries included...a word in an excellent help