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— I have Windows 7 x64 platform. When I start Lingoes (ver 2.9.2), always says "Request translation services failed." I tried on other platforms (XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 8.1 x32)...
Yes, I am in the same situation and I could see that there are a lot of people on internet that says the same thing... Support on lingoes site is not working too.Here they say that 2.8....0 is working... Then I looked for on internet (was hard) and I found in: portable)(It's chinese or japanese, I don't know but you can download clicking on red arrow)(I saw on virustotal site, that it's clean.)But here, windows 7 64 bits, it's not working still... :(Some one that can tell us how to fix this problem please post here. ThanksRead more