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Checks all the commentaries about passages from the Bible, dictionaries for checking what is the meaning of the biblical words. An integrated editor is provided for creating your own sermons, Bible studies, study notes, or journaling, and for things to become easier, a spell checking feature is available.
SwordBible 5.4 is an electronic bible. With this program, you will be able to study the holy bible. The program boasts a very intuitive and concise...
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All 14 resultsShowing results for "e sword 7.7" as the word download is considered too common
Star Sword is an arcade shooter where you have to battle aliens.
Star...weapon. Star Sword 1.0
Beyond the Sword is the second expansion pack for Sid Meier's Civilization IV.
Scans your system for adware, Trojans, etc. and removes them from your computer.
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This Tamil Bible module for e-Sword Bible Software is completely free of cost.
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Bible software for studying and comparing up to three versions of the Scriptures.
The SWORD Project...of the SWORD module plug...CrossWire. The SWORD Project
This screensaver shows King Arthur's sword stuck in a huge stone.
The...the legendary sword stuck...The...Arthur's sword stuck
Use a samurai sword to take down enemies who are patrolling a house.
Sword With Sauce...use
This Kannada KJV Bible module is designed for e-Sword Bible Software.
module for e-Sword
Is a powerful tool for converting e-Sword 8.0.6 specification adherent modules.
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SWORD is an application for the making and dispatching of service orders.
SWORD...service orders
Sword of Valor 3D Screensaver brings the Middle Ages to your desktop.
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