Users interested in Dun bluetooth java app generally download:
Phone Remote Control is a true universal remote control. It allows the user to modify the current behaviour as well as add support for new applications. You can add support by writing Java or VB scripts, defining key maps and file actions. With key maps the user can very easy and fast define application actions and link them to any buttons on the mobile phone.
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No exact matches found for "dun bluetooth java app". Results for similar searches are shown below.
Transform your Windows Mobile phone into a wireless modem for your computer!
cable ...Sync cable ...Mac
PdaNet enables you to share your Blackberry data plan with your computer.
Tether and Bluetooth DUN (*see Bluetooth Setup
Shares the Internet access of your Android phone with your computer.
Tether and Bluetooth DUN. Your phone
This utility is a firmware updater for the RadioDatacom products.
common embedded Bluetooth profiles...Profile (DUN), Advanced...common Bluetooth profiles