Users interested in Download proteus 8.1 generally download:
Create PCB projects and customize them in the special integrated environment with tools for advanced configuration of every link. It supports over 800 microcontroller variants and creates simulations from the completed schematics. Data import is possible.
Work with audio hardware, headphone sets, and sound signals. Emulate an environment for controlled processing of the content, check the current audio parameters, and adjust them. Select the available presets or customize the volume, tone, and source access rights.
Proteus CMMS is an easy-to-use, full-featured maintenance and asset management software system that helps companies increase their return on investment while decreasing the cost of operation.
Proteus integrates the following functions:
• work order management
• asset and location management
8051 IDE is a simple 8051 microcontroller emulator for the 8051 series of microcontrollers, like 8052, 8031, 8751, 8752, etc. The program is very simple to use and is a good one for those beginning to do 16-bit microcontroller programming. It has all the features to edit and run an assembly language program.
Tricks the PC into detecting a simulated DVD drive as the real deal and mounts virtual disk images on the emulated drive. Supports ISO, CCD, and BIN formats.
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Neuro-Programmer can change brain wave using brainwave entrainment.
the Procyon, Proteus, and Light
VSM Studio is a completely free universal IDE for Proteus.
with the Proteus...compatible with a Proteus
The most comprehensive collection of high quality royalty free sound collections.
the E-MU Proteus and Ensoniq
It is a simple plugin which allows controlling up to 16 midi channels.
as Emu Proteus synths