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Floppy Emulator 1.31 Free

Create areas on USB sticks serving as fully digital replacements for physical floppy disks serving as data carriers. The suite generates up to a hundred floppy images on a single USB stick and monitors the data recorded on each of them with an option of defragmenting or wiping...

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— hellowith Batch Manager Tool V1.40I see the 100 disk, but when I want open 001Disk (for example), I see only the 000Disk on the explorerCan you help metks
HiI try with compability mode (xp, win7, ...and administrator)Now I see all the diskbut I can't write : in fact it seem that I copy file on disk, but if I remove the usb and I put it again, the file is not on the copying

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KFK is a utility to split huge files into user specified size & number of files.

file on floppy disks...the available 31 most popular 

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