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Access the royalty-free collection of bars, buttons, and tiles of multiple sizes usable for your website, multimedia application, and programming project creation. Animates and still elements are available as GIF files with sizes ranging from 15x15 px (for buttons) to 125x35, 230x40, 500x25, 600x10, 600x10 and 600x15...
Install and manage cold room refrigeration systems. Connect the software component to a computer and calculate workloads, power consumption, check the status of individual refrigeration units, etc. The program supports both SI and I-P measurement systems.
Saravel Refrigerant Pipe Sizing program designed by Saravel Corp. Design & Engineering Department , has following specifications: Refrigerant Selection, Valves and Fittings Selection, Unit Conversion, Save entered data for future use, Double Riser Calculation, Print the calculation Result, Refrigerant piping instruction
Optimize the refrigeration parameters of various devices to the current environment. Calculate the air conditioning and PM pressure according to external data and the allowed power consumption, automatically detect the compatible hardware components, etc.
Computair is at the forefront of software design and remains the leading developer of standard, customised and bespoke technical software for the HVAC&R industry. Computair’s global activity has resulted in many multi-national partners, driving their clients into new markets and opportunities.
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Showing results for "cool pack refrigeration" as the word download is considered too common
It is a program designed for static system design and simulation.
HVAC and, cooling system design...The air cooling models include
Select industrial products from Friga-Bohn and HK Refrigeration.
and HK Refrigeration. It can
SecCool calculates, compares and plottes thermophysical properties.
of secondary refrigerants. secondary refrigerants
Select refrigeration and air conditioning components based on your requirement.
such as cooling capacity, refrigerant, common refrigeration
COOLSTAR is a calculation tool for refrigeration and air-conditioning.
tool for refrigeration
DryCool™ HD saves 50% energy compared with traditional dehumidifier.
with traditional with cool
Allows you to enter the minimum input to get a realistic answer.
Cooling...ASHRAE 2002 Refrigeration Handbook...Calculate the cooling and freezing
A powerful psychrometric chart program designed for thermodynamics industries.
HVAC and refrigerating...straight lines, cooling coils, mixing...HVAC or refrigeration
Trenton Refrigeration stands for reliable, trouble-free operation.
The Trenton Refrigeration's FREE Calcu...latest Trenton Refrigeration literature *
It is a suite of programs created to help refrigeration professionals.
KeepRite refrigeration professionals...Air-Cooled Condenser Designer
Refrig quickly calculates the maximum refrigeration load in btu's per 24 hour.
types of refrigeration applications. Refrig...product cooling, freezing, sub-cooling
Designed to provide a simple and quick mean to calculate cooler/freezer loads.
KeepRite Refrigeration's Free Calc
This is an interactive and intelligent psychrometric chart.
HVAC and refrigerating. It helps