Users interested in Download battery doctor for laptop generally download:
Reduces the maximum charge capacity for the laptop from 100% to 80%, increases the performance of the battery. It only works with Samsung-made laptops.
Analyzes and displays your laptop's battery health, then finds a way to optimize the power consumption. Advises users about which Windows features can be disabled in order to save battery power.
Tracks how much power your laptop's battery has left and displays it on your screen. Its position on the screen can be changed and the window's transparency level can be customized.
Battery Booster is a small application that enables you to extend the battery backup of your laptop. This program can really come in handy when you have to work on your laptop for a long time and you don't have the option of charging it at a power outlet.
Taking reasonable precautions to obtain the best performance from your laptop's battery is really a wise decision to prolong its life. BatteryCare is a simple but very useful application that enables you to take constant care of your laptop's battery in a simple way.
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HDDlife for Notebooks helps you to monitor hard disk health.
notebook (or laptop) to work...preserving the battery charge...this electronic doctor works
This program allows you to get relevant information about your cellphone.
model number, battery status
Ensure protection for mobile devices from malicious software.
performance. Economizes battery resources. Economizes