Users interested in Desktop vu meter software generally download:
Replace the standard Windows audio setup interface with the emulated meters for stereo's VU or volume level. The utility is compatible with all Windows versions starting from Vista, and directly accesses sound settings. The standard range of parameters for customization is available.
Perform pressure peak measurement and visualize the readings from compatible devices. Change the customizable graphics backgrounds according to personal preferences, adjust the ranging scale according to the desired precision, hold the peaks for a preset time, etc.
Work with a suite for loudness assessment and management on a personal computer. Receive two-channel stereo inputs and visualize instantaneous peaks, VU, PPM, CBS Technology Center loudness, ITU BS.1770-2, EBU R 128 loudness, and Reconstructed 8x Over-Sampled Peaks.
Records any sound that's coming to your computer through your microphone. Additional features include noise reduction capabilities.
Manage the volume of the computer directly from the keyboard. Display the audio control bar on the desktop and customize the way it acts by choosing one of the available transition effects. Make the visual interface fade, scroll or roll into and out of view.
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No exact matches found for "desktop...". Results for similar searches are shown below.
VintageMeter is a professional volume unit (VU) and a Peak Program Meter(PPM).
professional VU and PPM metering...(VU) and a Peak Program Meter(PPM
A multivariable meter including RMS, EBUR128, VU and PPM measurement.
analog VU and PPM meters. Multiple...VU and PPM. Multi channel metering
PSP TripleMeter is an audio filter plugin in VST, RTAS, and AAX formats.
different meters - VU meters, RMS meters, and PPM
TPlayer deals with .MP3, .WAV, .WMA as well as .OGG audio files.
along with Vu meters, which
Professional DJ mixing program with intuitive interface.
controls, graphical vu-meters
A free-to-use tool for creating and streaming your own radio stations.
art display. VU meter. 2 types
It is a high quality reverb processor that supports up to 192 kHz sample rates.
advanced PPM/VU/GR meters
ActiveX control for audio/video playback, mixing and playlist management.
visual feedbacks (VU-Meter, Oscilloscope, Spectrum...displaying of Vu-Meters, Spectrum
ProfX Plugin is a professional add-on for Peak Meter.
The the meter bars which...a more pleasant VU meter like
Analog preamp modeling with all the bells and whistles.
include VU-style metering, PPM-style metering...and an output
ActiveX control for sound recording, sound analysis and CD ripping.
visual feedback: VU-Meter, Oscilloscope, Spectrum...displaying of Vu-Meters, Spectrum
.NET native component for audio/video playback, mixing and playlist management.
visual feedbacks (VU-Meter, Oscilloscope, Spectrum...displaying of Vu-Meters, Spectrum