Casio pv sync software social advice

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PC sync for Windows links your CASIO Digital Diary to a personal computer and opens up a whole world of opportunities.
Main features:
- Editing of data on a computer for transfer to the Pocket Viewer
- Exchange of single data records or all data records between the Pocket Viewer and a computer
- Pocket Viewer data backup
- Synchronization of computer and Pocket Viewer data
- Calendar feature

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— I downoladed and installed pc sync 4.0 but when I try to open it, it says "Could not load language DLL: PCSYNCAS.LNG"Can you help me please?
Yes, I can help you. You are receiving an error message stating that the language file "PCSYNCAS.LNG" could not be loaded. This could be due to a corrupt or missing language file. Try reinstalling the PC sync software or contacting the software provider for further assistance.

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Is a program that makes it easy to create databases (Referencer files).

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