Buffalo secure lock ware windows 8 social advice

Users interested in Buffalo secure lock ware windows 8 generally download:

BUFFALO Secure Lock Ware is BUFFALO’s free solution to the security needs of their external drives users. This Fort-Knox-like simple software performs two security-related tasks – first, it locks and unlocks any BUFFALO USB portable device, and secondly, SLW encrypts and decrypts any file or folder using AES encryption technology, the same the US Government uses.

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— I bought the Buffalo USB Hard DISK in China. It is impacted for same days now. So it can not be read. I took it to the data maintenance center. When the technical staff opened the hard disk...
No. When you install the above program on your computer, it doesn't automatically set up a password. If you didn't used the product, than it means that the password from your hard drive was set up... Read more