Bigvoize for laptop social advice

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BigVoize 8.0 Free

Big Voize is a PC to mobile dialer. You can use it to place calls using an Internet connection. The program is useful when you want to place a long distance call with lower prices. The interface is simple and can be easily used even by first time users.

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— I recently purchased one BigVoize card from a retailer. I installed the BigVoize application from app store and registered...
You have two choices at this time: Contact the developers of BigVoize using the following email and explain to them the problem with the card and connection: sales@telservnet.comConnect to another network if you use wireless and then try to add the card and connect again.
BigVoize PC2FONE 8.0 Free

BigVoize PC2FONE is a free PC dialer that you can use to place calls with an Internet connection. The program is useful when you want to place a long distance call with lower prices. You can send and receive messages, add contacts to your address and make cheap international calls directly from your desktop computer.

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Big Voize Free

A tool for performing calls over the Internet from your PC.

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