Users interested in Avast antivirus 4.6 full version generally download:
Avast server is the antivirus for Windows Server editions, this program is not very popular but has been on the market over six years now. Fully recommended by popular software libraries and with good reviews by the users. It has a great performance and extended protection for a better price than famous brands of antivirus.
Gives users the ability to keep their PC protected against all known threats using built-in modules for online browsing, bank and credit card purchases, and email scanning. A password vault locks all your passwords using strong encryption.
Stops viruses, adware and malware fro infecting your PC, runs new applications in sandboxes to keep the system safe, encrypts online traffic and monitors your network for intruders and all kinds of attacks.
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More than just free antivirus software, thanks to Avast's security features.
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