Users interested in Access developer extensions 2016 generally download:
The MDAC SDK is for developers who are building applications using ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC. It contains updated documentation, headers, libs and typelibs for x86, IA64 and AMD64...
Organize software elements created and combined via Microsoft Office Access. Incorporate a set of tools for the deployment and licensing control of specific solutions, upload files to sharing platforms or monitor the licensing and payment, keep track of program copies, etc.
dotConnect for SQLite is a data provider built on ADO.NET architecture. With Entity Framework and LinqConnect support it introduces new approaches for designing applications, boosts productivity, and leverages database...
Additional suggestions for Access developer extensions 2016 by our robot:
Open and edit multiple Office documents in a single tabbed window.
2019, 2016, 2013, extensive are developing simultaneously
Java Charting Library with sourcecode for Swing, SWT, Android and BlackBerry.
is an extensive Charting component...for Java full access
VBA password breaker to remove VBA project password without hex editor, set new password.
Powerpoint file extensions...user or developer can...2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008