3d cricket logo design social advice

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I recently tried out Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker and I must say I was impressed. The software is easy to use and has a great selection of templates to choose from. You can customize your text and logos with various text effects, shapes, images, 3D models and animations. The texture and gradient parameters are also adjustable, and you can even change the background and render size. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this software and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to create 3D text and logos.

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Make your own logos for your company. The tool includes a wide variety of templates and symbols to choose from as well numerous gradient styles, but you also have the option of creating a logo from scratch. It supports numerous image formats including JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PCX, TGA, etc. both as input and output.

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— How to save designed logo in this application?
I've installed EximiousSoft Logo Designer on my PC as well and designed a sample logo. Based on what I've tested, you can save your designed logo to ELD format if you want to edit it later... Read more