Users interested in Software ashrae duct fitting generally download:
Create and design models of ducts and piping by referencing the extensive database of fitting and connections. The program includes search options and browsing tools for finding and viewing info on round, rectangular, and flat oval duct fittings with pictorial outlines.
Additional suggestions for Software ashrae duct fitting by our robot:
Showing results for "ashrae duct fitting" as the word software is considered too common
Duct Designer streamlines duct design and improves calculation precision.
Duct Designer streamlines duct design...optimize duct design...from ASHRAE Fitting
Integrated HVAC building design and drafting software.
automatic fittings and 3D ductwork. the duct system can...using the ASHRAE CLTD
It is a precise and powerful tool designed for HVAC&R engineers.
Psychrometric Chart Duct Calculator...chart use ASHRAE equations...with all ASHRAE charts
DuctMate is an interactive duct pressure drop and size calculator.
interactive duct pressure...equivalent rectangular duct clear...from
H-Tools program allows the quick calculation of 13 common HVAC design tasks.
tasks include duct sizing ...For example, duct sizing...for multiple duct sections
Get a Complete Flow Diagram Schematic with all Thermo-Physical properties.
UPDATED...Control - New ASHRAE Class 1...New Duct Sizing Calculator
It's designed with the needs of homebuilders, remodelers and designers in mind.
control, duct leakage...with ASHRAE 90.2 ...efficiencies, duct system characteristics