Users interested in Scrolling software for cable tv generally download:
Create your own TV channel from your favorite movies, TV shows, songs, or videos and stream it to a wide variety of devices.
A/V Broadcast System for Cable TV is a professional and reliable digital video broadcast program designed for cable TV operators. The program has a built-in titler with easy to create scrolls and many special effects like Wipes, fades and zooms. It allows you to broadcast TV channels from a PC over cable TV network.
Movie Max is a free digital video player designed for cable TV operators. You can load movies, songs, ads, promos for days on the computer, set the sequence and play the videos. It also displays Video ads and Scrolls at the bottom of the screen on any Live source like cameras, DVD Players, VCRs or even Satellite receivers.
News Max is a program that allows you to run professional looking news channels with input from up to 4 cameras. It displays news based messages and captions and full FLC format support and video based logos. You can have various windows showing reporters from different places, design your own layout backgrounds using Flash or Photoshop, you can add Live Cricket and other Sports Scores.
Make your own personalized vertical text scrollers. Choose the background color and insert URL links directly into the scrolling text.
Additional suggestions for Scrolling software for cable tv by our robot:
Showing results for "scrolling for cable tv" as the word software is considered too common
Digital display school hotel software.
QuickTime, TV channel, cable TV, web cam...Feeder, RSS Scrolling Text
AV Manager issoftware which can operate multiple display units.
QuickTime, TV channel, cable TV, web cam...Feeder, RSS Scrolling Text
Play your videos and songs along with advertisements.
player for cable TV operators...the rest. ads, scroll
Hulu Desktop is the eponymous services' desktop application.
support for scrolling...on the TV (cable). However, high
Improve the picture quality of HP or Compaq Flat-Panel Monitor.
analog video cable (VGA connector...Thin, horizontal scrolling lines - Centering