Netop school 10 for windows 8 social advice

Users interested in Netop school 10 for windows 8 generally download:

Establish a local network for classrooms and distribute educational materials, control and monitor the performance of tasks, collect files, etc. Create a database of students, generate a schedule of activities and monitor the progress according to the curriculum.

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— I have Netopschool 4.0 and it's working great. I have a new teacher and it need it as well on his user account on the same PC. Will it work? How can I do that?
It all depends on the license terms. It appears that you'll need a multi-user license to be able to install the application on another computer. On a side note, the application... Read more

Organize lessons, lectures, and seminars for classroom environments with access to computers. Create databases of students, distribute copies of digital materials, presentations, etc. Initiate screen-sharing sessions, control the launch of relevant programs, etc.

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