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Take notes and attach photos, videos, GIFs or web links to them, create to do lists, check lists, or draw your ideas. Access your notes from any device and collaborate on them with friends, classmates or coworkers.
Combine multimedia items to create compelling presentations. Import multiple file types in a single library to use in a single presentation or a series of projects. Generate PPT and PPTX presentations compatible with MS PowerPoint, arrange them in categories.
Creates and edits documents while working in collaboration with other users through built-in Skype integration. It supports templates, sharing features, Math functions, and proofing tools with support for a wide number of world languages.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 is a PowerPoint presentations viewer.
PowerPoint Viewer 2007 lets you view presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and...
Decrease the time it takes for the PC to start up, reduce the application loading times, increase the command execution speed and boost the overall performance of your system. The tool disables unneeded services and processes, manages the startup list, deletes junk and unused files, cleans residual registry entries, etc.
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